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Prayer Wall

Prayer that God provides the right provision and resources for my friend to stay in the UK, on a 2 year work permit visa. As there student visa is expiring at the end of this summer. All prayers towards this would be much appreciated. God bless.

Anonymous (Cambridge)

13 hours ago

Please pray for Wade’s uncle Mike, who will be having a procedure on Friday to remove a minimum of 20cm of his colon that is covered in cancer. We pray the operation will be a success and that doctors will get all the cancer cells.

Marina &. Wade Stuart (Colchester)

2 days ago

I will like the church to pray for my family. We are going through a rough patch right now due to adultery. I’m requesting prayer for the strength to forgive my husband genuinely as he is repentant and for God to set his heart right, bring him closer to him and that this never happens again. I’m also requesting prayer for financial breakthrough and settlement.

Anonymous (Cambridge)

3 days ago

Me and my family are in a really tough time but god has been talking to us and is making small miracles which is a Massive one for us. But please pray for us so that we can stay in the right track and let us never let go of your hand. Amen

Arianne (Cambridge)

4 days ago

Please pray for Alan Colley that he’ll be completely healed and his heart will be filled with your forever beating heart within

Martin (Cambridge)

6 days ago

Please pray for Blossom on Friday morning she is having surgery to remove a large dermoid cyst that is wrapped around her ovary Please pray it is removed with out the need to also remove her ovary and that she makes a good recovery Please pray also for her little boy Kamiel as she is not able to pick him up for 2weeks that he is not adversely affected by this in any way x thank you all so much x

Claire (Colchester)

7 days ago

Please pray for the Lord to Bless My Son with Financial Breakthrough so He can afford to get married and buy a house.

DJ (Online)

10 days ago

Please pray for the Lord to Humble Tom so that he repents & turns away from his profane words and asks Jesus into his heart as Lord and Savior.

DJ (Online)

11 days ago

Just talked to my sister her close friend passed 2 months ago from over dose of drugs, crying for her children so sorry so beautiful all the pain let the Lord cover people who need strength these drugs can’t stand it please lord hear their hearts to turn to you over my sister as she cries in the night she hates her program love you sis please keep praying

DN (Online)

13 days ago

For positivity and calmness when going through my operation that is life changing. Prayer that it will help stop my pain and that nothing will go wrong.

C (Cambridge)

13 days ago

whilst I'm really thankful to Jesus for an extended opportunity off of work to seek Him and work on other priorities on my life since a sports accident in the spring, I am still being hampered by musculoskeletal pain - particularly in the left side of my neck, and left should and upper arm at the moment, I've not been able to get back into work yet (Praise God for a well-paid husband), but whatever plans He has for me next, I need to be out of pain/limitation soon to function well in life.

Vanessa (Online)

15 days ago

Please pray for the Lord to Bless my Son with Financial success in his work so he can afford to get married and buy a house.

DJ (Online)

18 days ago

Praise God for Pastor Steves message this morning. Pride has been my obstacle and it was revealed in service this morning and brought me to tears. Praise God for this message, Gods grace and for the softening of my heart. Amen

Me (Cambridge)

19 days ago

Please pray for my daughters partners family who are really going through it at the moment. Apart from Tony being in remission from Leukemia, his sister Kelly has now been told she has breast cancer. And there mum is currently waiting for open heart surgery. Please pray for as you feel led for this family. Thankyou

Sandra (Colchester)

22 days ago

Please pray for my husband, whose health has declined, that his strength will be restored and that the Lord draws him closer to Him again, if that's what he still needs to do.

Me (Online)

23 days ago

A praise report 🙌 to the living word Jesus the Christ your love never ceases to amaze me !!! Your child a mere 80 years old named Peter is moving with faith and belief and hope. In addenbrookes he is walking with a walking frame, doing things ,small things , on his steps to recovery 🙏 😀. His tenacity to live on through 2 terminal cancers and a small stroke is a testament to his God . Miracle worker 🙏 🙌 ❤️ . Thank you C3 and others for all the prayers . Amazing AMEN and AMEN. God ❤️ U

Nigel Looker (Cambridge)

23 days ago

If you would please pray for my return to The LORD and healing for my backsliding, body and entire being as well as my health I would appreciate it. If you would please pray for my deliverance from any oppression, bondages, or strongholds of the enemy that I am under. Please pray for the softening of my heart to The LORD. Please pray for my deliverance and protection from the devil and my enemies and that The LORD will fight for me.

Ruben (Online)

24 days ago

Please pray God heal and restore my body, soul, preferences and desires, restore all the enemy has stolen, remember my past sin no more, and greatly bless my femininity. Pray God reconcile me to himself. Pray for victory.

Bless Anonymous (Online)

25 days ago

Please pray for the restoration of my hearing which was destroyed by a routine procedure, and for the complete stopping of catastrophic tinnitus. I've had this two years and house bound, unable to eat and suicidal. My relationship with my partner is on the rocks because of this. I'm more than desperate. Thank you.

Anon (Online)

a month ago

I want God to guide me on my path. I've been feeling down lately, I'd like God to take control.


a month ago

Dear Heavenly Father, please help me with my job. It is too much pressure for me. I can't handle it without you. Please come to me with your power and holy spirit. You are almighty God, please bless with the your love and right decision. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Anonymous (Colchester)

a month ago

For salvation of Valya from Abhazia that was with me in the psychiateic dispanser no. 3 for her to be in the book of life and for the entire her family to be in the book of life and for her to be baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit and for the entire her family to be baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit amen and amen

Zlata (Online)

a month ago

I pray for my partner to be free from his brother death from 3 years ago

J (Cambridge)

a month ago

Please pray for Nigel's dad who is currently in hospital, having suffered a stroke. He also has two types of terminal cancer. The stroke appears to have been a minor one, but assessments are still being carried out over the next few days. Please also pray for Nigel and his brother - for strength and comfort during this difficult time. Pray for them to be filled with a sense of peace in the midst of everything, and trust that God has got this in His hands.

For Nigel (Cambridge)

a month ago

these next few months, i’m very worried about what to do next and every day i wake up with anxiety and sweats fearing for the worst and im also afraid that ill end up depressed again.

anon (Colchester)

a month ago

For Sivokonova Svetlana Vasilyevna to be saved, for her to be in the book of Life, for her to be baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit and for the entire her family to be saved and to be in the book of life, for them to be baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit amen and amen

Zlata (Online)

a month ago

My boyfriend and I are breaking up and would appreciate your prayers please 🙏.

Lu (Online)

a month ago

For God to sustain Alina Pisarevskaya and guide her on His paths

Zlata (Online)

a month ago

Hi I’m really struggling and in a dark places right now it seems like life keeps throwing and throwing and I don’t see any happiness or direction in my life please pray for miracles regarding my accomadation and finances and future degree apprenticeships. Thank you God hear our prayers Amen

Anonymous (Cambridge)

a month ago

Thank you lord for blessing me I pray for more blessings I see u in so I can see the light in this tough time ,

Anonymous (Cambridge)

a month ago

My family is coming to join me in Cambridge so we are believing God for an affordable 4 bedroomed house to rent and also that the relocation won't strain our budget. Thank you

Anonymous (Cambridge)

a month ago

having lots of families issues at the moment, it’s giving me lots of anxiety and depression.

anon (Colchester)

a month ago

I need a prayer for healing. My knee has been hurting badly for the past week.

M (Cambridge)

a month ago

Praying Culhain doesnt get pulled over and the cops stay away from him and us, and that he joyfully clears up his ticket soon, no weapon formed against him, nor us, shall prosper in Jesus Name Amen.

Brandi (Online)

a month ago

Pippa is trying to communicate that she wants to play outside .....sadly she is unable to as she has a poorly paw .She was limping and it looks more sore than when we visited the vet on monday . Booked in to the vets tomorrow for an op to make sure no grass seed is in it . Appreciate prayers that they find whatever it is and she makes a quick recovery . When our last dog limped it turned out to be cancer....I am sure it is just a grass seed this time .

For Janice Dog Pippa (Online)

2 days ago

Please pray for my dear friend, Patrick. He is a pastor’s son. He is addicted to meth and is in homosexuality. He hasn’t chosen to go to a long term rehab. Please pray for his complete deliverance and surrender to Jesus Christ. For his eyes to open and his heart to soften. For him to be separated from those who enable. I’ve been praying for years, believing for breakthrough and for God to get the glory. He can be quite mean at times and it gets hard. But, I pray for a shift and turn around. Thnx

Amy (Online)

3 days ago

Please pray for my friends uncle and his family. His Uncle has been diagnosed with cancer and it’s terminal. The family is frustrated and hurting because they’ve been in for multiple checks within the last 6 months and found nothing. However, most recently they found out this devastating news and they believe there is now nothing they can do about it.

Anonymous (Cambridge)

4 days ago

Please pray for me , my son passed away on the 20/7/24 from brain cancer he was only 28 , i have had a lot if support so far from c3 thankyou all x

Jenny (Cambridge)

5 days ago

Antonia McCarthy Carroll And David P Carroll Happily Married Amen Lord Jesus Christ.

Antonia McCarthy Carroll (Colchester)

6 days ago

Please pray for healing my body is not physically strong enough and for sleep at night

C (Cambridge)

9 days ago

Please pray for my friend Amy who has completed two treatments of Chemo, suffered a stroke and is now recovering. Please pray that she can enjoy life with her family again and receive good news when she returns to hospital later in the year. God bless Amy.

PF (Cambridge)

10 days ago

Prayer for my neighbour in our village who I’ve just taken to the hospital as she’s possibly miscarrying her baby - prayer for safety and health for her and baby and that she will know Gods protection and peace

Hannah (Bury)

12 days ago

I also for got mention that this cancer could possibly be Neuroblastoma. _Update_ Dr came in with results of the ct scan. The tumor is trying to wrap around her kidney. She does have cancer in her hip bone and her spine. Please keep the prayers coming. She will have surgery to try to remove the tumor. She will have a central line put in to receive all her meds. She has to have a little surgery to get some bone marrow out and she will have chemo and radiation treatments. That’s a lot for one lit

Online prayer (Online)

13 days ago

Dear Heavenly Father please help me some evil intrusive thoughts keep attacking my mind evil ones about The Holy Spirit it is horrible i don't want any of these thoughts no i don't even want to think them they are so intrusive and i have to keep rejecting the thoughts as The Holy Spirit is Holy and is a clean spirit and the spirit of Grace and Truth please Lord Deliver me from these thoughts thatvare trying to invade my mind and hurt my soul i know these thoughts are not of you Lord and i am so

Chloe Owen (Online)

15 days ago

This is my brother in law Cody Morgan he has extreme heart failure and his heart is only working at 10%, to put his into perspective that's about as bad as a heart can be while being compatible with life. Cody is only 27 years old. He has been placed on several medications and now has to put on a continuous heart monitor/defibrillator, he has fluid around his heart affecting his other organs as well. He has a 3 year old daughter and Maisie his wife is currently pregnant with their second daughte

Online prayer (Online)

15 days ago

Please pray for the Lord to Bless my Son with a great opportunity in his employment so he can afford to buy a house and get married.

DJ (Online)

18 days ago

Praise God our son has 3 interviews this week. Praying Gods blessing is over him, his words and his responses. Lord be with him. We claim victory in your name. Amen

Son (Cambridge)

19 days ago

Father, please be with Chloe as she completes her physical fitness test today for Essex police recruitment and as she continues through the following stages of the process . Amen

Paula (Colchester)

22 days ago

Please pray for the Lord to INTERVENE in my Wife's Job situation as whether she should keep her job or go to the new job. Please pray that she won't be shorted for half of last months pay and for us to have PEACE and closure from this turmoil.

DJ (Online)

23 days ago

Please lift up my brother in prayer, with ongoing multiple blood tests for a possibility for a future heart transplant. Prayer for the Lords peace over fear, and for healing. Papworth very much involved now. X

Richard (Cambridge)

24 days ago

Healing with the new diagnosis I have been given. A treatment to be found so I am no longer in pain and for the ‘your too young for treatment’ to be used.

C (Cambridge)

25 days ago

Dear God, I love you so much. I put all my life into your hands. Please lead me every day and bless me and my family with your love. Please keep guiding me and my loved once whenever we travel and protect us on our way. In Jesus name I pray.

Anonymous (Colchester)

25 days ago

Can we all please pray over my dear friend Brian. He also recently had a double heart operation, made a full recovery and was doing extremely well. However his loved wife text me whilst i was at church this morning to let me know Brian has a massive stroke yesterday and is now in Broomfield. Lord we ask you to heal and restore this wonderful God fearing man hallelujah amen

Syria (Colchester)

a month ago

Thank you Jesus and thank you God thank you for being with me through it . Thank you to people praying for I pray God blessed you , please continue praying for me

Anon (Cambridge)

a month ago

For salvation of Valya from Abhazia that was with me in the psychiateic dispanser no. 3 for her to be in the book of life and for the entire her family to be in the book of life and for her to be baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit and for the entire her family to be baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit amen and amen

Zlata (Online)

a month ago

Anthony roberts prayer request ( blessings and covering over my life) Genesis 13:2 Abram was very rich in livestock, in silver, and in gold. Genesis 13:5-6 Lot also, who went with Abram, had flocks and herds and tents. Now the land was not able to support them, that they might dwell together, for their possessions were so great that they could not dwell together. Genesis 13:14-17 And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: “Lift your eyes now and look from the plac

Anthony roberts (Online)

a month ago

For God to restore me completely and to sustain me

Zlata (Online)

a month ago

salvation for Gavin Thankyou

Sam (Bury)

a month ago

Name is Rick I work in a toxic nasty work place and got chewed out by another store manager in the same chain named Steve I need prayer for mercy and protection and vindicated over nepotism and toxicity there they are having issues their conduct is causing this aka oppressing people of God appreciate your help with this thank you and God bless you 🙏

Rt (Online)

a month ago

Dear God, please help me not to give up. My life became hard, and I don't know what to do. All the parts of my life are breaking, and I don't have any support from my husband. I am trying to be very strong. Heavenly Father, please stay with me and my family.

Anonymous (Colchester)

a month ago

For God to sustain Alina Pisarevskaya and guide her on His paths

Zlata (Online)

a month ago

For God to sustain Alina Pisarevskaya and guide her on His paths

Zlata (Online)

a month ago

Please pray for my family

anon (Cambridge)

a month ago

Just over a week ago, my cousin's 3 years old son passed away. Mentally it has hit my family hard. Joshua-Noah battled many health issues, but ultimately was a very happy, smiley & dearly loved little boy. My aunty was due to fly out and meet her grandson for the first time, 2 days before her flight the news came that she would now be flying out to attend his funeral 😭 please pray for strength and protection from all negative thinking, may we keep our focus on Our Lord & Saviour.... Amen x

Becca (Cambridge)

a month ago

Father thank you for bringing us to Colchester and the C3 church family. We believe you called us here and we moved here in faith. But we need now to be free of our old house, it's been on the market for over a year and is becoming a burden, please carry our burden and bring forward very soon the people you want to live there we ask this in your name Jesus. Amen

David & Rebecca (Colchester)

a month ago

Praying for my sister and brother in law. They have been trying to have a baby. Praying for a miracle for them.

Anonymous (Cambridge)

a month ago

Please pray for my mom and sister who were hospitalised on Friday due to a really bad flu. They have been there for the last few nights.

Sandra J (Colchester)

a month ago

Please pray for Jo, he will be having surgery tonight for appendicitis.

Paula (Colchester)

2 days ago

Please pray for my children at Exodus Education Community as they've spent now three days without food and also water and electricity was disconnected

Jingo Christopher (Online)

3 days ago

I just want to thank God for everything including c3 because of ur prayers and father above God has pulled through financially for me everytime , God gas haven me opportunity for my dreams , I have never felt as close and loved by God as I am now and I just want to thank you king Jesus and thank you Heavenly Father May you bless those that read this . And father I bless you too abundantly. I LOVE YOU

Anon (Cambridge)

4 days ago

Lord please give me the strength to carry on. I am 53 years old with stage 4 stomach cancer and I can’t have chemotherapy because of my body being so weak. I have given it to are lord and I am at peace with it. No more pain, no more sorrows. I will be set FREE!!!!!

Online (Online)

6 days ago

Could I ask for your prayers as next Saturday I take part in Williamson’s willow walk. Any money raised through this helps create memorable experiences for children who are extremely ill even those who are in a hospice. Be with me as I walk 20km knowing how much of a difference my steps can make in one families life.

Chloe (Colchester)

6 days ago

Physical, lasting healing for long term infection in my body.

A (Cambridge)

9 days ago

Praise God, for my friend coming to Christ. I brought her to church for an evening service, and now she asks me to pray for her every night. She finally told me today, that she accepts Jesus as our saviour. She is eager to come along with me to another service! As someone once adamant that Jesus was 'fake', she has witnessed God's love through our church and my conversations with her about his transformation... The kingdom is truly building!

M (Cambridge)

11 days ago

Please pray for my online contacts from Global Madia Outreach who have big financial problems, including Angelo, in S. Sudan, who needs a job, so he can provide for his family, and for Alemayehu, in Ethiopia, who needs money to pay rent, buy food, can get medication and also provide education for his daughter, and for others who are badly in debt, including Swasen (Malawi), Charles, an orphan in Kenya, who can't pay back his college fees, and a lot more.

Jannie (Online)

13 days ago

My elderly father is on holiday in Canada and finds himself in hospital very ill. I ask for healing, and that his impending surgery can be put off until he comes home.

Adam (Cambridge)

13 days ago

Please pray for the Lord to heal my wife, help her feel better and lift her anxiety.

DJ (Online)

15 days ago

Please can you pray for my Grandpa sister last sibling at age 90 passed yesterday, thinking of you Auntie Miracle & Sam thankful to meet my Great Aunt, to all the Ecclesiastis Family love y’all rest in peace Auntie Sila (so thankful to have met you in 2019 love you always family

DN (Online)

16 days ago

Dear lord Jesus I pray to die to myself and pick up my cross daily. Please help me to grow upon my journey, and to have a revelation of C3 service today. To humble myself with gratitude and thanksgiving to learn God's will, to submit to God fully daily. Amen

NIGEL L (Online)

19 days ago

Please pray for my daughters partners family who are really going through it at the moment. Apart from Tony being in remission from Leukemia, his sister Kelly has now been told she has breast cancer. And there mum is currently waiting for open heart surgery. Please pray for as you feel led for this family. Thankyou

Sandra (Colchester)

22 days ago

Lord open the doors of opportunity for our son. I pray his summer job interviews are successful next week. I pray he is blessed with all that he needs to fulfill your plan. Amen

Son (Cambridge)

22 days ago

Dear heavenly father ,i ask to release me from covid, it is not of you for you are Good, Love and to you is eternal glory for your son Jesus ❤️ paid the price for me . Thank you Jesus

Nigel Looker (Cambridge)

23 days ago

Please pray that God restore my body back to normal functioning. I need to be able to be nourished by all nutrients from the diet especially protein. Pray God remove whatever is keeping me from being nourished and restore health and proper functioning to my body. Also pray God heal any damage caused by this condition. Thank you for praying for me.

Mitch (Online)

24 days ago

Prayer For Jeraldine H. For healing from liver cancer after receiving chemo treatment

Lanette (Online)

25 days ago

Please pray for my Wife to Have PEACE and REST. She's having to work a new job and finish up her old job at the same time and She's having a difficult time. She needs some blessings and things to go right for her.

DJ (Online)

25 days ago

Please pray for me and my family,I've been made redundant and have close family members with health problems. I'm struggling ,but believing that the Lord will help me pull through in this season

AnonymousButTheLordKnows (Cambridge)

a month ago

Asking for prayer over my beautiful Auntie things got out of hand for her and she is now in the hospital her kids and grandkids tried it’s been really rough for them, over my parent as well now all her sisters out in the hospital two in a senior care she’s the only sister left. Her brothers taking their golden years more joyous. Please for myself physical need in pain when standing as well thank you

DN (Online)

a month ago

For salvation of Valya from Abhazia that was with me in the psychiateic dispanser no. 3 for her to be in the book of life and for the entire her family to be in the book of life and for her to be baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit and for the entire her family to be baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit amen and amen

Zlata (Online)

a month ago

Please pray for me that i have the strength to get through the bad time with my son hes being put on pallative care after having part of a brain tumour removed hes was improving but the hospital have said hes on end of life as hes not getting better

Jenny (Cambridge)

a month ago

In the name of Jesus Christ, I'm Jaspher Gonsalves.I'm from Bangladesh.I have an public exam.So,I have a prayer request.My HSC(Higher Secondary Certificate Exam).This is one of the biggest public exam in Bangladesh.My HSC examination will be started on June 30,2024 and will be ended on 15 August,2024.Keep me in your prayers always during that time.I believe in Jesus Christ so much that my friends and I will get GPA 5 or Golden GPA 5 in this exam.I

Jaspher (Online)

a month ago

these next few months, i’m very worried about what to do next and every day i wake up with anxiety and sweats fearing for the worst and im also afraid that ill end up depressed again.

anon (Colchester)

a month ago

For Sivokonova Svetlana Vasilyevna to be saved, for her to be in the book of Life, for her to be baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit and for the entire her family to be saved and to be in the book of life, for them to be baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit amen and amen

Zlata (Online)

a month ago

Please can I ask to be joined in prayer for my friend, Her cousin has been missing since yesterday, He went swimming at Freedom Beach in Thailand with a friend. The friend was rescued by life guides. But Her cousin hasn’t been seen or found. Please join me in praying for a miracle 🙏 Matthew 18:18-20 When two or three of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action!

Alison (Colchester)

a month ago

For God to sustain Alina Pisarevskaya and guide her on His paths

Zlata (Online)

a month ago

Hi, I come to you with a heartfelt request for your prayers. I am currently facing many challenges and hardships in my life, and I am in need of God's guidance and strength to help me through these difficult times. Please pray for the end of these trials and for the doors to open for me to find a job that not only meets my needs but also brings me joy and fulfillment. Additionally, I seek your prayers for peace in my life, so that I may find comfort and solace in God's love. God bless you

Follower of Jesus (Cambridge)

a month ago

Please pray for my family

anon (Cambridge)

a month ago

My coworkers prayer for Mr.Messire over his family his health and father going through a lot, Dale her first pregnancy healthy 9 months over the journey with her partner, and Everestt she is pregnant but a lot of health problems all of my lovely coworkers to colleagues need prayers thank you

DN (Online)

a month ago

I’m really worried as I just got my second speeding ticket during Christmas month, second one is recent I do take the blame either anxious or in a hurry please can England be generous about these tickets as I can’t afford to loose my license over just trying to get to work and do normal things. Prayers please that I can just be calm while driving.

Anonymous (Online)

a month ago

Praying for sustenance and grace. I am going through a very tough season, I know I have God and friends but some days it just feels so lonely and painful.

Anonymous (Cambridge)

a month ago

There seems to be so many people seriously sick around me at the moment. I’m believing for full restoration for each and everyone. Praying for strength, healing, doctors reports to change, for peace & comfort that can only come from Jesus.

Anon (Online)

a month ago